Message From Our National President

A Vision for a United and Prosperous Fullah Community In Sierra Leone

Alhaji Umaru Sanu Barrie

National President

Dear Fellow Fullahs and Esteemed Sierra Leoneans,

It is with profound honour and a deep sense of responsibility that I address you here as the President of the Fullah Progressive Union (FPU). Our beloved community stands at a pivotal moment in history, where the fusion of unity and progress can lead us towards a future brimming with promise and prosperity.

At the heart of the FPU lies a steadfast vision: to cultivate a united and prosperous Fullah community that not only thrives but also contributes significantly to the nation-building of Sierra Leone. This vision is anchored in our rich cultural heritage, our unwavering commitment to education, and our collective aspirations for socio-economic advancement.

Unity As Our Foundation
Unity is the cornerstone of our progress. As a community, we must come together, transcending boundaries of all kinds. The strength of our unity lies in our ability to live amicably in the different communities we live, love for our neighbours, our generosity, our shared values, and our common goals. By fostering a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect, we have and can build bridges that connect us not only within the Fullah community but also with our fellow Sierra Leoneans.

Education As Our Pathway
At FPU, we consider education as the pathway to empowerment and progress. We are dedicated to ensuring that every Fullah child has access to quality education irrespective of their economic or social status. We will continue to provide scholarships, build educational institutions, and support initiatives that enhance learning opportunities. By investing in the minds of our youth, we are investing in the future leaders who will steer our community and nation towards greater heights.

Prosperity Through Empowerment
As we grow, we envisage a Union that also caters to economic empowerment, which is crucial for the prosperity of our community and the nation. The FPU is committed to creating opportunities that foster economic growth and self-sufficiency.

Cultural Preservation and Promotion
Our cultural heritage is a source of pride and identity. The FPU will actively work with the Chieftaincy, our respected elders, the women and youth groups to preserve and promote our rich traditions, language, and customs. By celebrating our heritage, we strengthen our sense of belonging and instill a sense of pride in the younger generations.

As we embark on this journey towards unity and prosperity, I call upon each and every member of our community to actively participate and contribute. Let us embrace this vision with passion and determination. Together, we can overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve remarkable milestones.

The Fullah Progressive Union stands as a beacon of hope and progress. Our vision for a united and prosperous Fullah community in Sierra Leone is not just a dream; it is a shared commitment that we will strive to fulfill with unwavering dedication.
Thank you for your continued support and belief in our collective future.

With utmost respect and solidarity,

Alhaji Umaru Sanu Barrie
President, Fullah Progressive Union (FPU)